Once upon a time, there was a silly little rabbit. That he was little could be ascertained by comparing him to his siblings, all of which had longer ears, fuller tails and longer feet. That he was silly was the opinion of the majority of the animals in the forest... (click to continue)
Her silence was worse than the worst scolding. When she said nothing, she had reached that point where words would not be enough to fill the space between us. The silence was more painful. She kept on making dinner, busying herself around the kitchen, swallowing loud enough for me and the neighbours to hear that she would not say a word... (click to continue)
There are days when the weather is good – not cloudy and definitely not freezing, the rain is very far in the distance, and you almost get the feeling that you’re someplace else, maybe subtropical. Those days are long, the sun stays around until almost ten, so once you’re done with work you can eat dinner, something light, and go for a walk, in short sleeves... (click to continue)
Two stories on the ups and downs of looking for a home, written a few weeks apart as part of Moving the Margins MOOC, with the University of Iowa International Writing Program.
You can read them here.
I had postponed this as much as I could, but having gotten rid of his clothes and most of his books downstairs, I decided to head to the attic. I had expected Dad to leave it in a wild mess, but he had actually gotten rid of most things. I rummaged through some boxes, and came across old skates, pictures, and my high school yearbook... (Click to continue)
Lines blurred, an erratic palette – the days of clean edges dissolve in the rear-view mirror.
At first, her reaction to the unexpected pain was like that of any other human being: denial and rejection. It was unendurable – the pain of loss, and the realization that, after all, she was like any other person... (Click to continue)